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✮ Called to be SET APART ✮

Updated: Aug 19, 2020

Ephesians 1:4 tells us that God has called us all to be holy and set apart from the rest of the world.

In today‘s we will talk about what it means to be holy and how we can be holy in our everyday life’s.


⇢ What does it mean to be holy ⇠

Holy means sacred. Something that is holy is separated, different and not like anything or anyone else.

God is holy. He is the perfect example of holiness.

As Christian it isn’t just enough to go to church on a Sunday, then live like the world for the rest of the week.

If you are a child of God you need to act differently, think differently and live your life differently from the rest of the world.

⇢ Called be to holy ⇠

“For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight.”
≛ Ephesians 1:4

Before GOD created the universe he choose YOU to be holy. He set you apart.

Let's meditate on that thought for a second. The king of kings, the God who created the universe, chose you by name to be holy. WOW...

Now notice in the verse it says, “blameless in HIS SIGHT”. Not through the worlds eyes but God’s.

The world’s definition of holy and God’s definition of holy are two different things. In fact there like parallel lines, they never meet.

In a world where violence, sexual sin, swearing( I don’t think I need to go on), are celebrated God has called us to STAND OUT.

Because I mean think about it. A builder uses his sharpest tools in the shed to build and design his best work. 

In the same way that’s how God works. 

Our whole life should reflect the glory of our Heavenly Father.

I’m sure your reading this now and your like, Rumbi I get what your saying but how…

⇢ How can we live like Christ ⇠

Jesus, (aka my best friend) lived the perfect example of a holy life. And as Christians we should want to be more like him.

Looks look at how Jesus lived a holy life.


How can a young person stay on the path of purity? By living according to your word.
Psalms 119:9

In order for us to live holy lives we need to live according to GOD’s word and be obedient.

When God tells us to do something or gives us commands we shouldn’t take them lightly and we need to actually do them.

You see, God didn’t just wake up one morning and decide to give us commands because he was bored. No,he gave us these commands for a reason.

Because remember he serve an intentional God.

We need to listen to god even when we don’t want to or know why because God is so much more smarter than us.

You must obey Gods commands.

Not just some of them that best fit into your liking but all of them.

If you want learn more about some of the commands God gave us you can read Deuteronomy 5:1-32

Temptation & Sin

Temptation is not a sin. Jesus was tempted several times and he never sinned.

It’s how we respond to that temptation that is the sin.

Well if we give into the temptation.

There’s no doubt in the world that we will not go through temptation. We will be tested over and over again. And theres no doubt in the world that we won't sin.

But God will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. And when you are tempted he will always provide a way out.( 1 Corinthians 10:13)

Which means whatever you are going through you can handle it.

When God died on the cross he took away your sins(yes you).

That means sin no longer owns you.

You have the power to resist and rebuke any temptation or evil that comes your way. You got that power.

Walk in your god given power.

Whenever we are tempted to sin for example steal or lie we need to flee from that temptation.

Because sin and God are like oil and water. They don’t mix at all. Sin draws us away from God.

And that’s the last thing we want, because a life without God is meaningless.(

What always helps me is that I quote to myself 1 Corinthians 6:12. It says:

12 “I have the right to do anything,” you say—but not everything is beneficial. “I have the right to do anything”—but I will not be mastered by anything.
1 Corinthians 6:12

I always tell myself that yes I can sin but this sin is not benefiting me in any way but rather destroying me. And that the last time I checked my only master is God so I rebuke you in Jesus name.


We need to disconnect ourselves from the world.

We shouldn’t have a mindset where we want to be like everybody else. Because God didn’t call us to be like everybody else.

He set us apart. You need to unplug your iPhone, your Samsung, your xbox, your tv and even your Nokia if you still got that, from the devils evil schemes.

Now I don’t physically mean unplug your appliances, what I mean by this is that we need to stop thinking like the world and start thinking like God.

We need to stop trying to fit in, and get peoples approval when the only approval that matters is God’s.

Now this comes down to what you are feeding on.

Now I don’t mean food like Mcdonalds, I mean spiritual food.

What are you feeding your heart?

We need to guard our hearts( Proverbs 4:23)

If you spend all your time with the wrong people, watching bad stuff or listening to bad music then that is going to reflect.

We need to constantly be nourishing our minds, soul and spirit on the word of God.

We need to constantly be feasting our minds on whatever is noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy (Philippians 4:8).

Setting apart time with our father

Being a you can be hard. I get it because being a me can be hard to.

Life can get really busy for me sometimes. And out of nowhere my time is taken by school, my family, Netflix, YouTube, friends etc

And what ends up happening is God then gets tossed in my I”ll do you later section.

Agh, don’t judge me it happens to all of us.

Then I realize that I’m stressed out and worried and eating so much food because I haven’t spent time with God.

What we can learn from my mistake is that we need to stop for a while, take a break and spend time with god.

We need to put away any distractions that can stop us from speaking to him.

God wants to spend time quality with us. Not us and our phones, and our work and YouTube.

The Bible promises us in James 4:8 that if we draw near to God then he will draw near to us.

That is such an amazing promise. But…

Remember there is a process before we can reach the promise.

We need to draw near to God first.

It is time spent with God that we get to know and love him even more. It’s time spent with god that we start to understand his purpose for our lives.

⇢ Being set apart together ⇠

Standing out from the crowd can be hard and scary. And let’s be honest none of us like to be in scary situations by ourselves.

But that’s the thing, God didn’t call us to BE SET PART alone.

We are all in this together because at the end of the day we all are part of one body of Christ.

We need people in our life that can hold us accountable and help us live the life Jesus died for us to live. And we can help them.

So check your circle.

Then recheck your circle again and ask the lord if these are the type of people you should be surrounding yourself with.

So who are your group of people or family or even that one friend that can help strengthen your relationship with Christ.

But hey if you don’t have one,We are here for you!!

⇢ Accepting the challenge ⇠

It’s hard to be holy because that means we need to stand out and be different.

Jesus was different and he ended up on the cross. But look where he is now, siting at the right hand side besides the father.

Living a holy life is and will not be easy. But it will be worth it.

Remember to tap into your power. And remember that as you walk through this journey God is not hard to find.

Living like Jesus is not a 30 day thing. We need to live it out throughout our whole lives.

We are all going to make mistakes, here and there. And when we do we need to repent and ask God for help.

When we start to live holy life's and glorify God in what we do, it doesn’t get unnoticed.

God sees all things and he will reward you!

So let’s accept the challenge today and be holy just like our Heavenly Father is holy.


Dear Father,

thank you for your son and for your grace and love over my life. Thank you lord that you chose me to be set apart for your purpose. Please help me to be more like your son, and help me not be afraid to be different.



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Stay blessed;)

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