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✮ Our 911 call ✮

Updated: Aug 18, 2020

God has given us the holy spirit to help us and guide us through life. So who is this holy ghost and how can he help you and me today??

The life God gave us is beautiful.

But…I’m sure we can all agree that this life can get super messy. Our day to day life’s bring challenges every second.

We go and will definitely continue to go through many struggles and hardship.We will face many challenges that will test our faith.

So who do you call when you need help? Who’s your 911 call?

Who’s the person you text when you have no idea what to do? For some of you, you might not have a person.

Some of you have a go-to book or video that helps you.

But let’s be real, sometimes our friends and family are sleeping and don’t answer the phone.

And the tips and DIY tricks that YouTube, books, Tv shows and magazines provide sometimes don’t help.

And when they do help, there solutions always seem to fall short.

But luckily for us we serve an amazing God. He knew that we would go through many challenges and so he gave us something.

He sent us a gift to help us walk boldly in our journey with Christ.

God didn’t send us a product or tutorial. No…he sent us the holy spirt.

16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever— 17 the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.
-John 14:16-17

⋆ Who is the holy spirit ⋆

The first thing we need to understand is that the holy spirit is a he and not an it.

He forms part of the Trinity music band God formed which consists of members: the Father, the Son and the holy spirit.

After Jesus was crucified and had suffered on the cross he appeared to his disciples many times.(Acts 1)

In Acts 1:4-5, while Jesus was eating with his disciples he told and promised them the holy spirit.

image from Uversion

Then in Acts 2 on the day of Pentecost, Jesus fulfilled his promise and the holy spirt came in like a rushing wind and suddenly all of them were filled with the holy spirt.

Notice I said, “rushing in”

Even though we mess us and are imperfect the holy spirt is excited and wants to be part of our everyday lives.

⋆ How can the holy spirt help us ?¿ ⋆

We see the holy spirt throughout the new and Old Testament, helping and working in other people’s lives.

So if he helped people then, why won’t you let him help you today and now.

↬ He helps us live our holy lives

8 Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.
-Joshua 1:8

In my last post I talked about living Holy life’s for Christ and being set apart so God could use us for his big assignments.

But it’s hard to be who God called us to be when the world we live in is chaotic and fully of sin from every corner.

For example, swearing has become the new language of our society. And if you just scroll through social media your eyes can be exposed to indecent images that stand against the word of God.

In order to resist the evil desires of this world we need to keep our minds and eyes on Christ.

But that can be hard with our own strength, and here’s where the Holy Ghost comes in.

When you are being tempted you need to use scripture to resist it.

But not only when we are being tempted, we can use scripture to make the right decisions or we can see scripture to get us through the day or a hard time.

If we ask him to, the holy spirt will help us remember scriptures and recall certain verse we have read when we need them.

That is why it is so important that we read the Bible. After we have read the word we need to spend time meditating on it. We need to make sure it gets stuck in our minds, so that when the devil comes knocking on our door we can call on the holy spirt, and he will help us.

Image from Uversion

Instead of constantly filling our hearts with other people’s drama and Netflix shows we need to binge on the word of God to constantly remind ourselves of the truth.

↬ He helps us pray

Prayer is essential for our journey with Christ.

In order to really understand God and spend quality time with him we need to pray.

The holy spirt can help us with our prayer life and help us really get to know our Heavenly Father through prayer.

Sometimes I don’t feel like praying. Especially when I am tried lying in my bed and all I want to do is sleep. I know I can always turn and ask the holy spirt to help me pray.

Another awesome advantage of the holy spirt is that he knows what is in our hearts.

Some of you after reading that are like, I’m in trouble.

But yes, he knows what is in our hearts. And most importantly he knows the will of God.

And sometimes what is in our hearts is not always the will that God has for us.

And so when we pray we can and need to ask him to help us pray the will of God in our life’s and the situation we are in.

And so a simple prayer could be: Holy Spirt I’m stuck. I don’t know if my heart is spiritually healthy, and I have no clue what the will of God is. I surrender myself to you and I ask that you help me pray your will in this situation in my life right now.

↬ He helps us with our relationship

In your relationship with one another, have the same mindset as Christ.
-Philippians 2:5

I’m sure we can all agree that falling in love is as amazing experience.

Personally I have never fallen in love with a person before but from what I have heard and seen, it looks pretty cool.

The problem occurs when we need to stay in love. Falling in love is great but staying in love is hard.

Feelings can change in a moment and all of a suddenly you start to see the flaws in a person.

Jesus displayed the perfect example of perfect love. Because even though we make mistakes and I mean a lot of mistakes he still loves and chose us.

In order to stay in love with a person we need a greater power that comes from the holy spirit when we ask.

The holy spirit can help us with friendships, our relationship with colleagues, etc.

⋆ Accept the HELP ⋆

In sure everyone reading this likes free gifts. Especially gifts we can use over and over again.

The holy spirit if a gift from God. The best thing about this gift is that we can use it whenever we need help.

The holy spirit is our God given strengthener , helper, comforter, counselor and standby.

So maybe your battling with this feeling of failure because you have been trying to do something but you just can’t seem to make it work.

Like for me I have been struggling with my weight for so long and I can’t seem to keep it off.

Or some of you are struggling with an addiction, sickness and disease or maybe coping with the death of a loved one.

Some of you might be going through a financial situation and don’t see how you can get out.

But it’s important for you to know and I pray that you realize that you cannot do this life alone.

But when you allow the holy spirit to have free and unlimited access in your life you will be transformed and equipped for the life God has prepared for you.

And so I ask you this question again.

Who is your 911 call?¿

Today I encourage you to invite the holy spirit into your life and accept the help that he brings.

Whenever you need help just call your 911, the holy spirit:)


Father God. Thank you for this amazing gift of the holy spirit. Holy spirit today I invite you in my life. Please help me remember the scriptures that I read daily, please help me make time to pray more and please work in my relationships with my family and friends. In Jesus might name, Amen!


Thank you for much for reading this blog post. Plz show some love and go check out my blog at Here you will find more amazing posts about scriptures from the bible.

And go check out the RumLife podcast on spotity or on Pocket Cast.

Stay blessed:)

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